Views expressed in the blog are the personal views of the authors, not the views of Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


By Prof. Aparajith Ramnath

Prof. Aparajith Ramnath
Facebook’s plans to build a 394-flat residential complex for its staff in California, and the ensuing discussions in the media, raise an interesting historical question. Why do companies set up townships?

There are strategic reasons: the seventeenth-century walled cities of Fort St. George (Madras) and Fort William (Calcutta) were established by the East India Company as trading outposts, racially exclusive enclaves for its functionaries, and barracks for its troops.

Logistics also play a part: around a century ago, the township of Jamshedpur was built to house the employees of the Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO), as the ideal site for the works (close to iron ore, coal deposits and running water) was far from any urban centre.

But history also suggests that companies set up townships to streamline their workforces. A recent study shows that the immigrant workers pouring into the Ford Motor Company in the early twentieth century were encouraged to leave their allegedly squalid ethnic settlements in nearby Detroit and move into company-organised housing in Dearborn, Michigan (where Ford had its plant). They were put to school to learn English and dissolve their ethnic identities as far as possible, thus becoming American.

In Jamshedpur, ingenious techniques were used to promote efficiency. In his 1943 memoir, John Keenan, an early General Manager of TISCO, recounts how a race course was created to channel the energies of the steel operators. Earlier they used to disappear to the nearest city for a flutter on their days off; now, ‘[w]ith racing in their own backyard … the boys stayed at home and made steel. And as the output of steel increased, wages rose and big bonuses became the order of the day ... Heavy drinking ceased.’

Townships also tend to reinforce, subtly or otherwise, the hierarchies of the workplace. A colleague who grew up in an Indian mining township in the 1970s and ’80s recalls that the distinction between ‘officers’ and ‘workers’ was expressed in many ways: not only did they have separate recreation clubs; their children went to the same schools in separate buses.

But do such objectives still hold true in the age of flat organisations, open-plan workplaces and air-conditioned offices? Yes, albeit in modified form. They may not be residential, but anybody who has worked in the IT ‘campuses’ of Bangalore, Chennai or California is familiar with the feeling of being in a world within a world. Whether by design or otherwise, catering, comfortable lounges, and facilities for sport and leisure encourage the twenty-first-century employee to extend his or her hours at work. Some companies take day-to-day errands, like paying utility bills, off employees’ hands; others provide washing machines at work; yet others clean employees’ homes for free. In this context, we may conclude that developments like Facebook’s proposed residential complex would not represent a major change. They would only confirm what is already true: that the company continues to loom large in the life of the employee, whether in the knowledge economy or the industrial.

Aparajith Ramnath is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Humanities & Liberal Arts in Management at IIMK Kozhikode.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


By Prof. Mahesh P. Bhave
Prof. Mahesh P. Bhave

If you go to Reliance Fresh or Big Bazaar, and are about to pay for the merchandize you have bought, chances are greater than even that the person at the cash register has no change to give you. He will ask you if you could produce the exact amount.

If asked as a sheepish request, I am able to occasionally forgive. Yet most times, the tone is: what kind of a shopper are you that you do not carry exact change for my convenience?

I once tried telling the film-star wannabe behind the cash register in Pune – tight shirt, even tighter trousers, and hair slickly perfect – that it was his and his store’s duty to always have change before letting customers stand in the line. He did not say anything. But his expression was: Your advice for your own galaxy; this is India. In lieu of change, he offered me Cadbury’s candy.

Despite Consumer Behavior courses taught en masse in MBA programs, customer centricity is absent in new Indian retail (and elsewhere in India too, but more of that in future articles). I am all for the convenience of open shelves, and putting things in the basket, or taking things out of it, until I reach the point of payment. Lines are bad enough, but I could do without the quasi-robots on the other side of the counter.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


By Prof. Abhilash S. Nair
Prof. Abhilash S. Nair
Since independence, successive governments have endeavored to develop an egalitarian India whose economic development percolates to citizens living across the country. A major step in ensuring this outcome has been the various studies that have identified backwardness of different states in India. Accordingly, the central resource allocation is channeled so as to bridge this development gap. The Raghuram Rajan Committee report is yet another step towards achieving this goal. The report emphasizes on an objective method of identifying backwardness and linking it to central assistance to state, though this issue is being independently studied by the thirteenth finance commission set up under the chairmanship of Shri. Y.V. Reddy. 

Any report on central development assistance sets off a race, among the states, to be backward. This report is no exception. The states that have garnered the ‘least developed’ status, seem to have no complaints against the report while others seem to be upset about the report. Having said that, there are some serious concerns which this report may look forward to address before being taken up for implementation. As has been highlighted in many other commentaries on this report, the dissent note by Dr. Shaibal Gupta addresses almost all the concerns raised by academicians and policy makers. However, what is interesting is the way in which the report deliberates and attempts to allay the concerns raised by Dr. Gupta by looking at the impact at an aggregate level. Interestingly, many states that may loose out on central assistance if the report is accepted also raise the same concerns as Dr. Gupta. I shall be commenting on some of these issues in the context of Kerala:

Excerpts from his recently published article in The New Indian Express on 19th October, 2013 Op Ed. For full article please visit

Abhilash S. Nair is an Associate Professor of Finance, Accounting and Control at IIM Kozhikode.