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Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Cooperatives were the earliest form of organisation of working people in the world. Over the years, they exemplified the importance of worker cooperation and underlined the potential of organisation, solidarity, mutual assistance and unity of action of the working class in a capitalist society. Indeed, the idea of cooperatives had its origins in utopian socialism; earliest proponents of cooperatives held the romantic view that socialism can be grafted into the capitalist system using cooperatives as an instrument. Over the years, Co-operatives have grown as a collective management of social production, thereby creating a strong alternative institution of Business and Management.

Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode along with Tata Institute of Social Science with the support of Uralungal Labour Contract Co-operative Society (ULCCS) Kozhikode is organising a two day International Conference to review the  developments in the Co-operative movement and to chart out the roadmap for this effective form of organization in the era of liberalisation.

The International Conference on  “Cooperatives in Transition in the Era of Globalization” in association with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai  will  provide an intellectual platform for academicians, practitioners and students to discuss and debate on the success and challenges of Co-operatives in different parts of the globe. The conference will focus on the effect of liberalization, technology inducement and other recent changes in the economic environment in reshaping the co-operative movement as successful alternative to other established Institutions of production and service. 

The Conference is jointly organized by IIMK and TISS with the support of ULCCS Ltd., the country’s best labour Co-operative (*). ULCCSS was established in 1927 as a part of the Independence Movement and has grown as one of the most successful Labour co-operative having operations in diverse fields ranging from construction, infrastructure, agriculture, healthcare and IT. ULCCS is the country’s first Labour Co-operative to own a SEZ thereby demonstrating the how inclusive growth can be realized through collective management of resources. The conference will also showcase the lessons of this successful co-operative as a potential model for third world countries.

For online registration please click IIMK
For more more details about the programme  click TISS webpage

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